
Inward spiralling winds, concerns have told doctors the brain is in Coriolis effects. Inertial forces have traumatised every mirror into distortion. Concerns resist the changing velocity of glass. It is no wonder in malnutrition the earth’s belt has inverted. The hemisphere that claims north Is counter clockwise. Approximate balance of gradient force has made a meal of the patient’s organ tenants. Somatic scales sequela sequence -- psychology disrupted. If the mirror and its human Are dehydrated in metabolic delusion What health is there but skin allergic to muscle eroding on bone. Concerns hold weather front of elemental war. They do not understand the spiralling of self-esteem or the need for a storm in  a region with no tropic waves. What room in Coriolis brain did the cyclone eye create itself? Air pockets in places that need more than mass. Circulation of industrialised society – image – collapsed. You find four million eyes in angry helixes. Who is to blame for wind formation? The concerns, the doctors, the earth, the organ’s host? Intensely afraid the scale has lost its appetite.


  1. How do you come up with those poems? - The Lantern Carrier

    1. Hard to say but this particular one took some research. When I had some information in my mind, I let it collide with the images in my head.


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